TUNISIAONLINENEWS- During the next five years, Tunisia will aim at increasing its farming irrigated areas by 50%.
Irrigated areas, which consume 80% of water resources, cover an area of approximately 405, 000 hectares and represent 8% of crop areas, including 220,000 hectares of public farming areas and 185, 000 hectares from private farms.
According to the 2009-2014 Presidential Program to promote the use of new water-saving techniques in irrigated perimeters, Tunisia will endeavor to extend the area equipped with these techniques to reach at least 200,000 hectares, compared to 120,000 hectares currently.
The results registered between 1995 and 2009, reported about 346, 000 hectares equipped with economic irrigation, representing nearly 85% of the overall acreage of irrigated perimeters, 98, 000 hectares of surface irrigation, 112, 000 hectares with multi-jet irrigation and 135 thousand hectares of irrigation at the local level.
Regarding investment, incentives and grants provided by government to farmers, they reached 414 million dinars. Since 1995, total investments destined for the acquisition of economic irrigation equipment are estimated at 846 million dinars.
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